We Give Back

We believe in giving back and supporting the Alabama State University (ASU) community in meaningful ways.
Through our initiative, we have established a program that benefits both students and the university itself.
As part of this program, a selected work study ASU student will be appointed as the HBCU Beauty Broker
Vending Attendant. This student will receive a monthly stipend of $200 to ensure that the Digital Beauty
Machine remains fully stocked with a comprehensive selection of beauty products.
In addition to supporting the student Beauty Broker, the HBCU Beauty Broker program aims to contribute to
the academic success of ASU students. Each year, we will award the university an Annual Presidential
Scholarship worth $1,000. This scholarship will be granted to a deserving student in need, in accordance
with the terms and conditions set by Alabama State University. Our commitment to educational excellence
extends beyond beauty products, as we believe in investing in the future of ASU students.
To further engage with the ASU community, the Beauty Brokers will actively participate in career fairs on
campus. Beauty Brokers will also teach a quarterly entrepreneurship course for students interested in
starting their own business.


In addition to our commitment to the Presidents Scholarship, Beauty Brokers is thrilled to
introduce a new initiative that further supports the student community. We are excited to
announce that 5% of each item sold from our vending machines will be allocated to the
Student Activity fund in the specific location where the machine is situated, such as the
Dorm or Student Center. These funds will be presented on a quarterly basis, providing a
consistent and valuable contribution to enhance student activities and programs.
By dedicating a portion of our sales to the Student Activity fund, we aim to foster a vibrant
campus environment and provide resources that directly benefit the student body.
This initiative will empower students to participate in a diverse range of enriching
activities, clubs, events, and initiatives that contribute to their personal growth and
overall college experience.
At Beauty Brokers, we believe in supporting the holistic development of students, both
academically and socially. Through this program, we actively contribute to the
enhancement of student life, ensuring that they have access to engaging opportunities
outside the classroom.
Together, let’s make a lasting impact on campus by creating a thriving community where
students can thrive, explore their passions, and create lifelong memories.